Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Kinda bored rite now.. got nothing to do.. hmm.. wonder what's everyone doing rite now.. my bf? yam cha with his frens. jaime? in korea.. coming back this thursday kua.. kee? im chatting with her rite now! ehee.. vkie? hmm..no idea le.. sure sleep.. while leen? erm.. guess she's watching tv kua.. bla bla bla.. =p Urghh damn bored! got two assignments to be done.. Final next week.. & the week after that.. sem break!! wooHoO 1 week!! haiya.. got break also no difference la..all the time at home.. sleep.. got nothing to do ler.. seems like i'm a bored person.. hee =) hmm..its 1.50am now.. the nite is still young.. can't sleep la.. having some sleeping problem nowadays.. can't sleep early.. my bedtime is around 5sumthg morning.. kewl isn't tht?! weh..i'm getting fatter leh.. in a DIET process recently..but my mission failed ler..never slim..coz' keep eating..! urgh!! cannot la.. i must have the 'will power' ler.. really must success.. hmm..common sense la.. if gurl fat..guys don't like leh.. so hee.. u noe la.. rite? numsayin'..?! i must DIET la..for REAL! no jokes.. kla..thats all for today ..kinda lazy to blog.. Daa~

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